I can also see that things which normally works (like running "tasklist") is blocked, so I assume this is caused by VoodooShield. Looking in your log I can see that there's no communication with the PS3 at all, which means that something is blocking the traffic. I have no knowledge of the "security" programs you use or why you use them, but I'm pretty sure they cause problems. zip Firewall ruleset (20.8 KiB) Downloaded 319 times ums_dbg.zip TRACE log (30.31 KiB) Downloaded 313 times I am very sure the solution to our woes is some completely ridiculous misconfiguration in the firewall, but I just. The start-up part of the log does actually recognise that it should be looking at. There are lots of "Sending ALIVE." entries. The post-startup logs show many entries denying access to the desktop and at least one entry denying access to the lappy.

UMS fails completely to see the PS3, even though it is pointed straight at it. Our problem was seen tonight, after several weeks of not using UMS. We know the PS3 has access to the internet, as Netflix is used a lot, thus the ethernet cable is plugged in. DHCP is enabled in the router, but is bypassed by manally assigning IPs to MAC addresses. As noted above, this system has worked well so far. I do not use UPnP, all IP addresses are manually assigned in the router and UPnP services are disabled as far as possible in the desktop. wfw) says it is binary, but contains mostly clear text. I have attached the current ruleset as well as the TRACE log. WFC was installed about 3 weeks ago, and WF was switched in at that time. All traffic inbound to the desktop is permitted, and outbound is strictly regulated to essential (apps or the OS need it to work) traffic only. Security on the Desktop is VoodooShield 4.20 (anti-exe) and WIndows Firewall with Windows Firewall Control The daughter's lappy (.1.2) is normally switched on, but hibernates when not needed. The subnet has several members, most of which are normally switched off until needed or simply not present in the house. It's on the Desktop, Win7 HP圆4 SP1 (.1.4), ethernet to a PS3 (.1.8).