Do a final test purchase using the live web pages.Upgrade Theatre Manager to match the version of the web pages.Test the web pages before moving them into the live web site.If there are new files, copy them into the right place.Repeat this decision making for all files that are different. Winmerge shows you the actual differences in the files highlighted in orange. Choose which changes to merge into your web pages.Click on the difference to see it (see top window in the picture below). Double click on a file with a difference and a second window opens with a visual indicator of where the difference is.Without this parameter, multiple windows are allowed: depending on other settings, a new compare. It tells you which files are in only one folder and which files have a difference. WinMerge is a free open source file comparison utility. You will be asked to pick the folder for the left side (pick the old WebPages directory) and the folder for the right side (pick the new WebPages directory). Start WinMerge and pick the File->Open menu.Use WinMerge (or similar file comparison tool) to compare all files in a folder.

This is so you edit the web pages and test them in a test environment.īy copying the pages, you can make changes to the web pages and test them in a test environment. Launch WinMerge and from the File menu select Open or press the Ctrl + O keys to choose the folders/files that you want to compare. Make a copy of your current WebPages folder on your TM web server and copy it to your computer.you can compare your entire WebPages folder on the TM web server with the most recent WebPages folder supplied by Arts Management.A subset of pages provided with each upgrade to identify the key differences, or.On a Windows PC, you can use a tool like WinMerge to compare two sets of web pages and move changes from one page to another.